Life Coaching Q & A
What is coaching?
Coaching is a partnership between coach and client. One of confidentiality, safety, intention, action and accountability to your highest good. Coaching is a partnership to help you get clear on and move toward your desires and goals. Within you is everything you need for life but sometimes we don’t know what’s in there till someone helps us uncover it, and sometimes we need help removing what is standing in our way., a season or a lifetime, let’s work together.

How could you benefit from coaching?
Are you feeling stuck in an area of your life?
Are you lacking motivation, vision, inspiration, passion?
Do you struggle to find jobs that really suite you or that you enjoy?
Are you wanting to execute at a higher level and you would benefit from outsider perspective and accountability toward your goals and dreams?
Are you feeling like you repeat patterns in your life and you are ready to break out of them?
Do you feel like you are a mystery to yourself?
Are you in the midst of a major life change or transition?
What can I do for you?
I am an advocate. I am an encourager. I’ve called myself an “aggressive encourager” when I see fear, doubt, insecurity, shame holding someone back from their greatness. When I see the gifts in another, I love to celebrate them, affirm them, and see them flourish to their maximum enjoyment and expression. I love to champion the heart in other people. I love when I see and hear authentic passion in someone, and I ache to see what is hindering it removed. I can be like a dog after a bone when I see gifts and potential in others. I will advocate for you, even when you won’t advocate for yourself. You are unique and I want to see you shine and living fully alive expressing that which is uniquely you in the world!
Sometimes we all need a champion and advocate and encourager who sees what’s in us and is committed to helping us get it out. Someone who helps us see what’s possible rather than what’s not. Who asks, “why not,” in the face of our dreams. Who holds up a mirror of truth and possibility in the face of our fears and insecurities. Sometimes you just need someone who can see and hear with fresh eyes and ears. Someone to listen to all the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing to help you see a situation differently. Someone who can help you reframe the information of your situation, to see options you didn’t see before, or help you see the blocks you’ve placed in your own way and help you create a plan for your success. That’s what I do!
Time with David is a safe space to look at your life, your design, your heart, your desires and dreams and get clear on what you want and the steps to get there. My mission is nothing other than your highest good; to listen without judgement or prejudice, so you can express yourself without fear of shame or condemnation; to allow you to speak, share, question, and examine whatever part of your life is important to you; to be your partner in the pursuit of clarity and wiping away all uncertainty or confusion; to help you clear the path of everything that hinders, blocks, or restricts your joy and peace and fulfillment. In supporting you on your journey, I will listen for your heart and celebrate it and champion it. I will honor your uniqueness and help you to see it. I will challenge your conclusions and assumptions. I will help reframe your situation and offer perspectives and unseen opportunities. I will offer counsel, advice, and wisdom where appropriate. I will believe in you. I will believe for you. And I will show up for you as we work together toward you living a life you love. That’s what time with me is about.
If you could benefit from having a partner work alongside you in the journey; for a moment, a season or a lifetime, let’s work together.